Sub Branch History (from old site)
Chronology 1916-2007, Sherwood, Indooroopilly and Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branches.
This chronology is taken from The First Eighty Five Years 1919-2004 – A History of Sherwood Indooroopilly Sub-branch 1919-2004 which is available for sale at $10 per copy. It incorporates the following:
The First Sixty Years 1919-1979 by N R Anderson.
The Indooroopilly RSL Sub-branch 1947-1982 by M W Farmer.
The Next Twenty Five Years 1979-2004 by R Fones.
Events from 2005 onwards have been extracted from Annual Reports.
Formation of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers, Imperial League of Australia.
Armistice, Great War or World War I.
10 September. Formation of the Sherwood RSL Sub-Branch. Maurice Little, foundation President until 1923. Enrolment eighty-eight members in first year. Following formation, general meetings of the Sub-branch held in Sherwood Shire Hall.
Great War memorial unveiled at Oxley. Thought to have been erected by Oxley Progress Association. November. Lt. Maurice Little unveils Great War memorial in Graceville Memorial Park.
War memorial unveiled in suburb of Indooroopilly, intersection Station and Westminster Roads. Sherwood Sub-Branch assists in formation of Sherwood Fire Brigade.
George Allen elected President of Sherwood Sub-Branch for seven terms.
Sherwood Sub-branch enrolment shows eighty-eight members again.
First fete, a fund raising activity, held by Sherwood Sub-branch.
Formation of Graceville-Chelmer Sub-branch.
First Diggers’ Ball held by Sherwood Sub-branch.
Sherwood Sub-branch active in relieving distress caused by Great Depression amongst ex-servicemen in the local area.
Anzac Day services commence at the memorial, Graceville Memorial Park.
Sherwood Sub-Branch donates a scholarship examination bursary for child of ex-serviceman or woman attending a local school; the bursary awarded for obtaining highest mark.
Brisbane Municipal Concert Band first appearance at local Anzac Day parade. Last record of Graceville-Chelmer Sub-branch.
George Allen again elected President, Sherwood Sub-Branch for two more terms.
South-Eastern District established. ‘November Drawing’, (Melbourne Cup Sweep) commences.
Jack Mitchell elected President, Sherwood Sub-branch for ten terms
3rd September, commencement of World War II
June. Sherwood Volunteer Defence Corps formed under the auspices of Sherwood Sub-Branch
April. ‘B’ Company, Sherwood Volunteer Defence Corps, formed guard of honour at Anzac service at Graceville.
Private Horace Summers, ‘B’ Company Sherwood Volunteer Defence Corps, assists in rescue of pilot from plane crash at Archerfield Aerodrome; first member of the VDC decorated for bravery.
End of World War II. Sherwood Sub-Branch assists fundraising at local schools by providing a chocolate wheel for use at functions.
June. Formation of the Indooroopilly RSL Sub-branch. First President, P. Taylor. Annual Diggers ball reinstituted at Sherwood Sub-Branch.
Harry Gibbs elected President, Sherwood Sub-Branch.
25 June. Commencement of the Korean War.
Sherwood Sub-Branch adds to its fundraising by sharing gate and refreshments income with speedway proprietors at races held at Johnson Park, Oxley.
27 July. Signing cease fire agreement Korean War
Sherwood Sub-branch inherits former home of Dr David Gifford Croll at Sherwood.
February. Sherwood Sub-branch Women’s Auxiliary formed with Mrs. Shadforth as first President
The refurbished Croll home is used as Sub-branch headquarters and named The Croll Memorial Centre.
Indooroopilly Sub-branch acquire their own home at Riverview Terrace, Indooroopilly.
First issue of The Orbit, Indoorooplly RSL News.
June. Location of Croll Memorial Centre deemed unsuitable. Sherwood Sub-branch building committee’s recommendation re new premises endorsed. Sub-Branch purchasing committee search for ideal piece of land on which to build.
Ken Allen elected as President of Sherwood Sub-branch, four terms. Along with the building committee, he played a prominent role in obtaining land and the subsequent construction of a new building at Corinda
Queensland government allows places of entertainment to open from 1.30pm on Anzac Day.
Following its supply of military advisers in 1963, Australia enters the Vietnam War as the Australian Government upgrades its commitment by sending 1 RAR to Vietnam. Sherwood Sub-branch and Indooroopilly Sub-branch assist in collecting donations for the Churchill Memorial Fund.
Indooroopilly Sub-branch forwards a donation to Darwin Sub-branch for its Darwin Memorial Wall Appeal.
January. Tenders called for construction of new building corner Browne and Clewley streets, Corinda, to house the Sherwood Services Club and a meeting hall for the Sherwood Sub-branch.
December. Sherwood Services Club commences trading.
January. Sherwood Sub-branch held first meeting in the newly erected Croll Memorial Hall at Corinda.
March. Sir Wilfred Kent Hughes opens the new building housing both the Sherwood Sub-Branch and Sherwood Services Club. The name Croll Memorial Centre transferred from demolished building at Sherwood to new building at Corinda.
Sherwood Sub-branch and Sherwood Services Club commence support for A Girl in a Million Quest.
Stan Logan commences lengthy term as Secretary.
Sub-committee, Indooroopilly Sub-branch investigates formation of a Services Club that was subsequently formed as a separate identity
Sherwood Services Club extended, top floor of club completed.
Australian troops withdrawn from Vietnam. Approval by Brisbane City Council for a war memorial to be erected in land bounded by Coonan Street, Belgrave Street and Underhill Road, Indooroopilly.
Mezzanine floor of Sherwood Services Club completed. Sherwood Sub-branch hosts South-Eastern District Conference.
January. The Croll Centre served as a clearing house for emergency cases during disastrous flood.
Sub-branch Treasurer, Alan Overell, plays a central role in organizing emergency headquarters at Graceville Methodist Church hall.
End of Vietnam War.
Sherwood Sub-branch celebrates Sixty Years.
Service members (those not having seen active service), admitted to RSL.
Club nights introduced by Sherwood Sub-branch and Sherwood Services Club as fund raising for war veterans’ homes.
Sherwood and Indooroopilly Sub-branches combine as Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch.
National plebiscite allows all categories of service to become members of RSL.
Trevor Langtry elected first President Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-Branch, two year term.
Thirty year anniversary of Women’s Auxiliary.
Womens’ Auxiliary activities extended to Pinjarra Hills
Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch holds service for Vietnam Veterans.
F.J. (Bill) Mulholland, former President of Indooroopilly Sub-branch elected President Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch.
On the death Sub-branch President F.J. (Bill) Mulholland, Miles Farmer elected Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch President. He served in this role until the year 2000. Stan Logan receives Meritorious Service Medal.
Unveiling and dedication of Harry Dalziel VC Honour Board.
Seventy-fifth Commemoration Annual Reunion. Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch annual donations policy formalised.
Remembrance Day. Practice of laying a single flower at the Kokoda Stone commenced.
March. Rejection of first proposal by Sub-branch to sell Club buildings to the Sherwood Services Club.
Australia Remembers project: re-dedication plaques unveiled by Keiren Perkins, Dunlop Park Memorial Swimming Pool.
July. Australia Remembers celebrations at Graceville Memorial Park.
Commencement of Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch welfare programme and activities.
Computerisation of administration commences at Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch.
Local primary schools enter RSL State Branch ‘Spirit of Australia’ competition. Graceville school winners.
New lease of Croll Memorial Centre signed. Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch moves from Croll Memorial Hall to 2 Clewley Street.
Croll Memorial Precinct established
Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch a member of the newly formed Brisbane North District.
April. Platoon participating in re-enactment of Dungarees recruiting march, 1915 arrives at Oxley State School.
Women’s Auxiliary disbands.
November. Presentation of Emily Schindler welfare report.
July. Keeping in Touch newsletter introduced. First welfare Co-ordinator, Ed.Vandereit appointed.
November. Ron McElwaine elected as President of Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch
Ron McElwaine commences first term as President of Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch
January. Bill Wright, Jim Underdown recipients of Moreton Australia Day award.
June. Unveiling of refurbished Boer War memorial, St. Matthew’s cemetery, Sherwood; refurbishment part of Centenary of Federation of Australia project.
November. Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-branch incorporated.
Twenty local schools now involved in the sale of Anzac Day badges and Commemoration Day poppies.
Commencement of recording Sub-branch veterans’ World War II recollections by three local secondary schools.
Commencement of phone contact of sub-branch veterans over seventy-five years and introduction of Wednesday morning tea.
August. Kokoda Memorial plaque commissioned by Sherwood-Indooroopilly for placing in Croll Memorial Precinct.
November. Partners attended Annual Reunion for first time.
Printing and distribution of Members Support News commenced.
Drop-in Day (Wednesday) introduced.
January. Contract signed re sale of Sherwood Services Club building.
January. Providore Ross Garry receives Ryan Australia Day award.
March. Commencement of computer training for sub-branch members.
May. Sub-branch’s first Vietnam Veterans’ Day – luncheon for eighty veterans.
Centenary of Brisbane Municipal Concert Band. Inauguration by Sub-Branch of annual award to a member of the band.
Sub-branch volunteers commence driving Greenslopes Hospital’s bus three times weekly.
December. Brisbane City Council approves extensions to 2 Clewley Street.
Western Suburbs Veterans Support Network commences, co-ordinating pensions and welfare work of Sherwood Indooroopilly, Kenmore Moggill and Centenary Suburbs sub-brances.
Eighty-fifth Annual Reunion. Launching of limited edition of Outline of Sherwood-Indooroopilly Sub-Branch History, 1979-2004.
Dennis Mosely, first graduate sub-branch computer training.
October. Harry Dalziel V.C. Centre (building extensions) opened by Her Excellency, (Ms) Quentin Bryce, AC, Governor of Queensland
August 6th. The Croll Memorial Precinct, including the Kokoda Stone etc, opened on sub-branch land by Major General John Pearn, AM, RFD, former Surgeon General to the Australian Defence Force; hall extensions completed.
The First Eighty Five Years 1919-2004 published.
July. Women’s Auxiliary recommences; includes some members from the former auxiliary.
Vietnam veterans’ monthly happy hour commences.
Indooroopilly Hall sold, putting sub-branch finances, already sound, secure beyond doubt
Members’ needs survey conducted (to look for more ways to help).